This short article defines Consciousness and Proto-Awareness. Expect this to change as development of the DFT concept matures.
1. Proto-Awareness as the Basis of Dimensional Perception
- Awareness Across Dimensions: Proto-awareness could be the fundamental trait that allows entities to perceive or connect with these "rooms" in the time structure. In 3D beings, proto-awareness may manifest as a limited consciousness that perceives only the present moment, while higher-dimensional beings like Orbis can perceive and move through time as a structure.
- Proto-Awareness as the Seed of Consciousness Evolution: This trait could be seen as the foundation for consciousness that “grows” across dimensions. In DFT, proto-awareness could represent the latent potential of consciousness that evolves from simply experiencing moments linearly to perceiving all moments as interconnected and part of a larger reality.
2. Different Levels of Proto-Awareness for Different Dimensional Beings
- 3D Proto-Awareness: For beings confined to 3D, proto-awareness is limited to the present and bound to linear time. This awareness allows only a single perspective, unable to experience multiple timelines or perceive time’s multi-dimensional structure.
- 4D Proto-Awareness: A 4D entity like Orbis, however, would have a much richer form of proto-awareness, where all moments are accessible. This heightened proto-awareness allows Orbis to perceive time itself as a traversable dimension, moving not only forward and back but also “sideways” into alternate timelines or universes.
- Dynamic Proto-Awareness: This suggests that proto-awareness itself has gradations, with higher-dimensional beings experiencing deeper, more complex levels of awareness. DFT could theorize that consciousness, in evolving, is progressing toward higher proto-awareness, allowing it to access greater layers of reality.
3. Interconnectedness and Awareness of Multiple Universes
- Understanding the Whole: Proto-awareness could allow higher-dimensional beings to not only perceive different “rooms” but also understand how these rooms interconnect. A 4D entity might recognize how events in one timeline influence other timelines or universes, revealing a structure where everything is interwoven.
- Implications for Universal Connection: If proto-awareness connects all beings and timelines, it might mean that every 3D experience contributes to the total proto-awareness across the multiverse. This would imply that each individual’s awareness is a part of a larger, unified awareness that grows with each life, choice, or alternate reality.
4. Proto-Awareness as Memory and Recognition
- Memory Beyond Linear Time: For Orbis, proto-awareness might function as a form of memory that spans all timelines and universes. Instead of experiencing past events as “lost” or future events as “unknown,” Orbis can remember and recognize patterns across timelines. This multi-dimensional memory would contribute to a heightened form of consciousness that perceives all moments as accessible.
- Human Proto-Awareness Echoes: In 3D beings, proto-awareness might hint at this memory in subtler forms—intuition, déjà vu, or even